Our Sunday 10am services are a time of genuine praise and thanksgiving to God for what He’s done in our lives and what He continues to do among us. We believe our Sundays should provide you with a powerful opportunity to encounter God through worship and the proclamation of God’s Word. Most of all that you will be motivated to live a daily walk with Jesus.
Pre-service prayer meetings commence 30 minutes prior to each service and are open to everyone.

What About My Kids?
Kids Domain is our children’s ministry and it runs out of Oxley Kids and Oxley Stadium. There is no need to pre-register your kids to attend – simply drop them off from 9:40am!

Sunday 6pm services* have a relaxed feel. We have worship, a short message and ministry time to sit, pray, rest and encounter God in a personal way. Sunday nights will leave you challenged, equipped and encouraged in your walk with God.
Pre-service prayer meetings commence 30 minutes prior to each service and are open to everyone.
*Crèche and Kids Domain are not available at evening services.
*Evening services are sometimes cancelled on Public Holiday or Special weekends. Please check our calendar.
If you’re just visiting, there is no expectation to participate in all aspects of our service (such as singing, prayer, giving or communion), you are welcome to simply sit and observe.
All our parking is on-site and is free.
Upon entry on the property, follow signs for “Life Ministry Church” for the Main Service. There is parking available around the church.
If you need to check-in children to the Kids service, follow signs for “Oxley Kids”.
Sunday 10am & 6pm Services
Our main services are located inside the LMC Auditorium.
Children 3yo-Grade 6
Our children’s programs are located at Oxley Kids.
We love having children and families in church! We have facilities available for all ages.
Newborns 0 – 12 months
A Cry Room and Mother’s Feeding Room are located at the rear of the Main Auditorium, where you can continue to be part of the service while your child can happily play under your supervision.
Children 12 months – 3yo
The Creche is located behind the stage in the Main Auditorium. We have leaders who would love to take care of your children while you experience the main service.
Children 3yo – Grade 6
We have a full children’s program located in Oxley Kids. Simply drop them off at 9.45am before the service. Children can be picked up from Oxley Stadium after the service.
For more information about our kids programs, click here
*Please note: Crèche and Kids Domain are not available at evening services.
The side entrances to the Main Auditorium are best for wheelchair access. We also have disability access bathrooms on either side of the auditorium, located through the doors next to the stage.
There is a Hearing Loop installed in front of the Mother’s Feeding Room.